======================= Downscaling the cluster ======================= Impact ------ Downscaling can have an adverse effect on the availability and resiliency of the cluster, especially when a member is being removed that runs an OVN central service (OVN SB, OVN NB, OVN Northd). OVN uses the `Raft consensus algorithm`_ for cluster management, which has a fault tolerance of up to ``(N-1)/2`` members. This means that fault resiliency will be lost if a three-node cluster is reduced to two nodes. Monitoring ---------- You can watch logs on the departing member for indications of removal failures with: .. code-block:: none snap logs -f microovn.daemon Any issues that arise during the removal process will need to be resolved manually. Remove a cluster member ----------------------- To remove a cluster member: .. code-block:: none microovn cluster remove The value of ```` is taken from the **Name** column in the output of the :command:`cluster list` command. Any chassis components (``ovn-controller`` and ``ovs-vswitchd``) running on the member will first be stopped and disabled (prevented from starting). For a member with central components present (``microovn.central``), the Northbound and Southbound databases will be gracefully removed. Verification ------------ Upon removal, check the state of OVN services to ensure that the member was properly removed. .. code-block:: none # Check status of OVN SB cluster microovn.ovn-appctl -t /var/snap/microovn/common/run/central/ovnsb_db.ctl cluster/status OVN_Southbound # Check status of OVN NB cluster microovn.ovn-appctl -t /var/snap/microovn/common/run/central/ovnnb_db.ctl cluster/status OVN_Northbound # Check registered chassis microovn.ovn-sbctl show Data preservation ----------------- MicroOVN will back up selected data directories into the timestamped location :file:`/var/snap/microovn/common/backup_/`. These backups will include: * logs * OVN database files * OVS database file * issued certificates and keys .. LINKS .. _Raft consensus algorithm: https://raft.github.io